Saturday, October 20, 2007

Canada: Multiculturalism or Assimilation

Just read this article on Yahoo discussing the lack of tolerance in Quebec and in Canada in general. Especially towards new immigrants. It's strange b/c even I've said it "If you don't like it here, go back to where you came from." We have a certain way of living here and we're happy with it. But is this just scratching the surface? What happens when the way I practice Judaism is no longer acceptable. I mean sure I don't understand the Hassidic Jews way of living, but what happens when this country wants people to assimilate more to the point where it's unacceptable to keep kosher. 
As much as we pride ourselves on multi-culturalism I think we are more interested in assimilation like our friends to the South. Culture is a fun aside, it's ok if you are a different culture as long as you fit into Canada's secularism, like culture is ok as a side job.
It's strange b/c someone said to me during my summer in Israel that we Canadians don't really practice multi-culturalism. That Israel is more of a true mosaic. I don't know for sure about Israel, it's got it's only integration problems, but I see more and more that this multiculturalism that we pride ourselves on in Canada is more and more a joke. Especially considering what's been going on in Quebec.
(And yes it's easy to shrug it off as a Quebec issue, a French issue, but the fact is it's less and less of one- ie. Faith Based funding in Ontario and the backlash to it)

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