Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Interesting thought

I was walking down the Diezengoff today and I saw this girl dressed very nicely with a ginourmous magen david around her neck. Magen Davids in Israel are fashionable. You go into the equivalent of Claires or Diva and instead of crosses like in Canada, you see Magen Davids. It made me think, do I wear my Magen David so people know I'm Jewish ("you don't look Jewish") almost as an ID badge or do I wear it b/c it's pretty. Certainly I'm proud to wear it, to be Jewish, but is it so I can be different from others in Canada, really stand out. Here it's clearly different. It made me think.

1 comment:

Tragediarista said...

Never has your blog been so interesting, Friend! Prapas!
I miss you. Soon, off to Germany....