Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Awkward with a capital A

So guess who I bumped into, yup that would be the very same person I just bitched about in my last entry. And it was awkward. Very awkward. It kind of went like this:
Rebecca walking very fast to work along St. George, passing St. George Station:

D: Rebecca
R: (sinking feeling in stomach b/c I recognize the voice, I turn around) Oh hey, D***
D: How are you?
R: (thinking of everything I want to say, like why the hell do you care, have you bothered calling me in the last 4 months, would you even know I was alive if I hadn't dropped off my friend at home b/c she has a broken leg and can't walk, why should I tell you how I am, you clearly don't actually care, and why oh why did you call my name and force us to have a conversation now) Ok. Just um, dropping my friend off and going to work......
[VERY AWKWARD SILENCE, positioning my body for quick get away)
D: So how was Israel?
R: (oh NOW you care how Israel was???? So you did know I was gone for TWO months and you couldn't be bothered to get in touch with me at all during that time... hello SMS??? EMAIL???) Fantastic, really really great.
D: So
R: So
D: Yeah I just picked up crepes for Meghan so...
R: (really crepes for Meghan, oh yeah so you're still together which is why you are a complete bastard and don't bother calling any of your old friends, but maybe you don't actually consider me a friend, actually clearly you don't) oh...
Woman leaving St. George Station: Um excuse me can you tell me how to get to the ROM?
R: (Oh thank G-d for you, bless you bless you bless) Of course yes, it's just down the street to Bloor than you go left and it's at Avenue.
D: Ok so bye
R: Yup bye
W: So it's just down there?
R: Yes, just down there really close to here about a 10 minute walk from here (have I mentioned how much I love you for rescuing me from one of the more awkward conversations I've had in a while)

Keep walking down St. George, cross Bloor to make sure I'm definitely out of sight:
R: OMG friend you would never imagine who I just saw. Call me back.


Unknown said...

that was an interesting entry...almost found myself seeing that converstaion first hand...nice descriptions. Well tell me about your pirate festival experience...that looked like fun from the pictures.

Tragediarista said...

Ugh, friend! I feel for you. I can't believe that. It's been quite some time and yet I'm still irked.

I've called him quite a lot this summer and no dice, nothing. We met for coffee once, but that was it. Bah.

Bec said...

Hmmm... well at least you met with him. You didn't tell me about that. Argh. Don't understand him. Can't do anything about it anymore

Tragediarista said...

Sorry, I think it slipped my mind. It was awkward. His GF was there. And he never called me again.