Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's so strange

It's so strange my life now. I went from the person who was out all the time to being too lazy to go out. I mean I realize that during the week I'm so tired from work that I just want to sit in front of the tv and be a complete couch potato, but I don't think that's good and it's strange feeling going on inside. Literally half of me wants to go out and half fun and be social and the other half just can't motivate. Unfortunately the unmotivating part wins most of the time. It sucks. I'm not married, I don't have kids. Mind you the invitations are not exactly flooding in, but I suppose that's b/c I constantly turned them down. I don't know. I suppose this is a mini crisis. Most people, actually I'm sure nobody understands me. I imagine most people would say, yeah you're growing up and you don't need to go clubbing every night you can. True. But that's not even what I'm talking about. I sit at home and watch TV. It's Friday night and I stayed home. I had two invitations to do something and I stayed in. Sigh. What happened to me?


Nikki said...

I know what you are talking about...

let's be social.


Tragediarista said...

I understand.... Believe me. I understand. Remember what a party-loving lady I used to be?

Sigh. I feel almost matronly.

Let's be social.... Starting with painting Nikki's camel?

Bec said...

We really need to paint that camel